This was also our heroes' first major experience of dealing with non-English-speaking Germans. People would come up and ask something which was took to mean, "Who are you?" Back would come the carefully rehearsed reply, "Wir sind ein English Tanztruppe!" This, of course, was the signal for them to pour forth a totally overwhelming torrent of German, the only escape being to point to the poster and Gabriele and shout, "Oi! Come here!"

After a highly successful afternoon everyone split up to spend the first and (as it turned out) last afternoon with the various people putting them up / up with them.

During the afternoon Mick's host took him for a bike ride, to show him the way to the school - fortunately there was no traffic (vehicular, cycle or pedestrian) to get in the way.

The dog at Toddy's, having eventually grown used to him the previous evening, had a quick listen to his bells and growled at him again. Toddy also joined the ranks of the lampshade-bashers with four in one go in his bedroom.