Our heroes' first public appearance in Germany! Everybody gathered in the Market Platz on a warm, sunny afternoon and propped up Gabriele's and Len's home-made poster against poor old Roland - bet he's never had a day like it. Having established the whereabouts of the boozer and got their "ein biers" the dancing started. Gabriele, with typical Teutonic thoroughness, had arranged the dance spot for just after closing time at the church, so there was a large crowd, who must have enjoyed it, judging by the amount that was collected.

Chapter 3: Sunday September 25th, 1977

Shooting went down particularly well with the all fall down finish. The first girl that John grabbed seemed quite willing when he took her dog under one arm and heaved her out of the crowd; she even started to go round kissing everyone a second time.

The highlight of this little session was, without a doubt, when Janet, who was collecting, was approached by an American tourist who asked, "Pardon me, little lady, but are you collecting for the IRA?" (Later Mick's hosts remarked on how Irish John looks). There probably would have been a big contribution if she had said, "Yes!"

Meanwhile Alan (II) was taken for a Scot, a little boy pulling his mum's sleeve and shouting, "Ach - der Doodleman!"