"Sorry lads, Wagen KAPUT!" and only five hundred yards from the border!!

The traffic started to move…

"Altogether, lads; one, two, three, HEAVE!", and to their surprise, the van moved; but suddenly the traffic and Alan(I) banged his foot on the brake, without telling the others, and then wondered why a huge dent had suddenly appeared in the back door. This went on for several minutes as they moved forward in ten yard spurts, then someone had a revelation, "This is bo-o-ring!".

"All right", said Len, swinging his melodeon over his shoulder, "four men up for North West Clog ". Bells and sticks were hurriedly seized, and, gripping a door handle in one hand and a stick in the other, off they went to the command, "AUF!", ranting all the way up to the frontier post.

On reaching the post they stopped, as three machine gun carrying guards approached, but after a cursory glance at the interior of the van, the guards waved our heroes on. Then, suddenly, the guards' commanding officer approached, and asked:

"You dance for us now, yes?'

(or was it "You dance for us now. Yes.").

"Alright", our heroes replied, racing around the van waving their hankies, and generally looking daft.

"Very Gut." said the German, "You are all mad."

"Englanders", replied Mick.

"Ach So!" was the immortal reply.

There was only one thing for it, and that was to harness the amazing muscle power of our heroes, and push the van across the border to the car park beyond, where, hopefully, repairs could be affected.