"Vier bier!" cried Mick, to the waitress while Len poured over the cream cake list. It was pretty basic to start with - Apfelstrudel, ditto mit kreme, ditto mit Chocolade,... and the his eyes narrowed.

"What's this?" he asked Hannelore, pointing to 'Schneemoustorte'.

"Oh, I can't describe it'", came the reply.

"Right, we'll have four of those." Len decided. The waitress asked if anyone wanted coffee with it; "No... bier." She looked quite surprised until we explained that we were 'Englanders'.

"Ach, so!"...

Nevertheless, it was clear that she was quite disgusted because, when she brought the cakes and beer on a tray, she threw them at Len and tried to make it look like an accident. But at least our heroes had learnt what Schneemoustorte is - four inches of frozen cream, with an (optional) layer of chocolate, then fresh cream on top and at the side, and a millimetre of cake at the bottom (Beware of fakes, imitations etc..). By now Schneemoustorte-itis had spread to the others, and soon everyone was powering their way into it. Hannelore looked disapproving as more beer was ordered up, "I didn't intend to spend all afternoon in here!"

Eventually everyone ate up, supped up, hit the low-hanging lamp and left; all except Chris who was busy wringing the last droplets out of his beer bottle. After a long stroll around the town to see the bells ("The Bells, The Bells") etc.., they went on to Hannelore's place for supper, consisting of hot & cold sausages, bread, cheeses (one of which seemed to have been thrown up from a volcano and left broken knives and teeth as testimony to its durability), and some assorted varieties of tea.